Sustainability, Health and Productivity to Accelerate a Quality Built Environment

This course explores the relationship of quality buildings, building systems, infrastructures and land-use to productivity, health, well-being and a sustainable environment.

Instructor: Vivian Loftness
The Triple Bottom LIne benefits of HIgh Performance Built Environment

The Triple Bottom LIne benefits of HIgh Performance Built Environment

Given the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the growing demand for sustainable design, professional practices are “tooling up” around the world to deliver high performance and environmentally responsible buildings, infrastructures and communities.  However, investments in ‘green’, high performance building solutions and technologies are still limited by first cost decision-making, and life cycle tools are still largely inaccessible to professionals. This course explores the relationship of quality buildings, building systems, infrastructures and land-use to productivity, health, well-being and a sustainable environment. The course begins with a series of lectures on high performance enclosure, mechanical, lighting, interior and networked building design decisions and extends to sustainable communities and infrastructures. The course engages students in the research literature that relates these building design decisions to multiple cost/performance impacts, including: energy, carbon, facilities management, organizational change, technological change, attraction/retention (quality of life), individual productivity, organizational productivity, salvage and waste (the circular economy), tax and insurance, and critically to environmental and human health.